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. . . 2009. 5. 12. 01:57

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- 글쓴이 : xeno
- 출처 : 나, MSDN, PB5.0
- 기타사항 : 틀린사항은 댓글로 달아주세여~

PB5.0 에 기본적으로 있는 Document 에서 NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE를 찾아본 결과 netui소스분석도중에 나온 모든 멤버들이 설명이 없었다. 그래서 인터넷에서 검색도중에 나온 MSDN문서엔 모든 멤버의 설명이 나와있어 포스팅으로 남김

아래의 내용은 기본적인 Document ..



Developing a Device Driver > Windows CE Drivers > Network Drivers > Network Driver Reference > Network Driver Enumerations


This enumerated type holds the 802.11 authentication mode value to invoke Open system or Shared Key authentication services.

typedef enum _NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE {



Specifies 802.11 open authentication mode. There are no checks when accepting clients in this mode.


Specifies 802.11 shared authentication that uses a pre-shared wired equivalent privacy (WEP) key.


Specifies auto-switch mode. When using auto-switch mode, the NIC tries 802.11 shared authentication mode first. If shared mode fails, the NIC attempts to use 802.11 open authentication mode.


Defines the upper bound.


OID_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE uses this type to specify authentication mode. When set, this object identifier requests the miniport driver to set the authentication mode to a specified value. When queried, this object identifier requests the current mode.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.

Header: Ntddndis.h.

See Also


위와 같이 나와있다.
하지만 netui 소스를 보면..

else if(!wcscmp(wszAuthenticate, g_wszCbWPA2PSK))


pWCP->wzcConfig.AuthenticationMode = Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK;


위와 같이.. 완전히 다른 define 값을 쓰고있었다!!!

그래서 직접 winCE소스를 봐서 define 값을 보니..

// Add new authentication modes

typedef enum _NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE










    Ndis802_11AuthModeMax               // Not a real mode, defined as upper bound


실제로 ntddndis.h 위와 같이 정의되어있었다.

즉, 플랫폼빌더에있는 Documnet 에 제대로 안나와 있다는것이다!! ㅡㅡ;


그래서 인터넷에 있는 Document 검색해보니 다음과 같은 내용이;;


Windows Driver Kit: Network Devices and Protocols


When set, the OID_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE OID requests that the miniport driver set its IEEE 802.11 authentication mode to the specified value. The miniport driver returns NDIS_STATUS_INVALID_DATA if an invalid value is specified. The miniport driver returns NDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED if it does not support an authentication mode such as Ndis802_11AuthModeWPANone.

When queried, this OID requests that the miniport driver return its IEEE 802.11 authentication mode.

For more information regarding authentication modes, refer to 802.11 Authentication.

The data passed in a query or set of this OID is the NDIS_802_11_AUTHENTICATION_MODE enumeration. This enumeration defines the authentication modes as follows:


Specifies IEEE 802.11 Open System authentication mode. In this mode, there are no checks performed during the 802.11 authentication.


Specifies IEEE 802.11 Shared Key authentication mode. This mode requires the use of a pre-shared Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) key for the 802.11 authentication.


Specifies auto-switch mode. When using auto-switch mode, the device tries IEEE 802.11 Shared Key authentication mode first. If Shared Key authentication fails, the device attempts to use IEEE 802.11 Open System authentication mode.

Note  The use of this setting is not recommended.


Specifies WPA version 1 security for infrastructure mode. Authentication is performed between the supplicant, authenticator, and authentication server over IEEE 802.1X. Encryption keys are dynamic and are derived through the authentication process

While in this authentication mode, the device will only associate with an access point whose beacon or probe responses contain the authentication suite of type 1 (802.1X) within the WPA information element (IE).

This authentication mode is only valid for infrastructure network modes. The driver must return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED if its network mode is set to ad hoc.


Specifies WPA version 1 security for infrastructure mode. Authentication is made between the supplicant and authenticator over IEEE 802.1X. Encryption keys are dynamic and are derived through a pre-shared key used on both the supplicant and authenticator.

While in this authentication mode, the device will only associate with an access point whose beacon or probe responses contain the authentication suite of type 2 (pre-shared key) within the WPA information element (IE).

This authentication mode is only valid for infrastructure network modes. The driver must return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED if its network mode is set to ad hoc.


Specifies WPA version 1 security for ad hoc mode. This setting specifies the use of a pre-shared key without IEEE 802.1X authentication. Encryption keys are static and are derived through the pre-shared key.

This authentication mode is only valid for ad hoc network modes. The driver must return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED if its network mode is set to infrastructure.


Specifies WPA version 2 security for infrastructure mode. Authentication is made between the supplicant, authenticator, and authentication server over IEEE 802.1X. Encryption keys are dynamic and are derived through the authentication process.

While in this authentication mode, the device will only associate with an access point whose beacon or probe responses contain the authentication suite of type 1 (802.1X) within the RSN information element (IE).

This authentication mode is only valid for infrastructure network modes. The driver must return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED if its network mode is set to ad hoc.


Specifies WPA version 2 security for infrastructure mode. Authentication is made between the supplicant and authenticator over IEEE 802.1X. Encryption keys are dynamic and are derived through a pre-shared key used on both the supplicant and authenticator.

While in this authentication mode, the device will only associate with an access point whose beacon or probe responses contain the authentication suite of type 2 (pre-shared-key) within the RSN information element (IE).

This authentication mode is only valid for infrastructure network modes. The driver must return NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED if its network mode is set to ad hoc.

If the authentication mode is set to Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA or Ndis802_11AuthModeWPAPSK, the device must not associate with a non-WPA access point.

If the authentication mode is set to Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2 or Ndis802_11AuthModeWPA2PSK, the device must not associate with a non-WPA2 access point.

Note  When any WPA or WPA2 authentication modes are set, only IEEE 802.1X packets can be transmitted unencrypted before keys are installed. No other packets can be transmitted before keys are installed.

After the keys are installed, all packets that are transmitted must be encrypted.


원본 위치 <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms799406.aspx>
