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[OPTEE 문서번역] OPTEE Architecture - 4 File structure

. . . 2019. 10. 11. 17:00


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4. File structure

이 페이지는 optee_os 에 포함 된 여러 폴더가 무엇인지 설명합니다.

4.1. Top level directories

Directory Description
/core Files that are only used building TEE Core
/lib Files that are used both when building TEE Core and TAs
/ta Files that are only used when building TAs
/mk Makefiles supporting the build system
/tmp-stuff Temporary stuff that will be removed before the final commit is made
/scripts Helper scripts for miscellaneous tasks
/out Created when building unless a different out directory is specified with O=... on the command line

4.2. /core

Directory Description
/arch Architecture and platform specific files
/include Header files of resources exported by the core
/lib Generic libraries that are likely to be replaced in a final product
/mm Generic memory management, currently empty
/tee Generic TEE files

4.3. /core/arch

Directory Description
/arm ARMv7 and Aarch32 specific architecture and platform specific files

4.4. /core/arch/arm

Directory Description
/dts Device tree source files
/include Include files used in rest of TEE core but not in any supporting libraries
/kern Low level and core parts of TEE Core
/mm Memory management
/tee TEE files
/sm Secure Monitor
/plat-foo Specific files for the foo platform

4.5. /core/arch/arm/include

Directory Description
/kern Include files exposing API for /core/arch/arm/kern files
/kta Include files exposing the KTA API that is mainly used by kernel TAs
/mm Include files exposing API for /core/arch/arm/mm files
/rom Old ROM files that should be removed before going public
/sm Include files exposing API for Secure Monitor

4.6. /core/include

Directory Description
/drivers Include files exposing API for /core/drivers files
/dt-bindings Include files for the device tree bindings

4.7. /core/lib/lib{crypto,sla}

Directory Description
/ Source files for the library
/include Include files exposing the API of the library

4.8. /lib/libutils

Directory Description
/ Source file for the library
/arch Architecture specific source files
/arch/arm ARMv7 and Aarch32 specific source files
/arch/arm/include ARMv7 and Aarch32 specific include files
/include Include files exposing the API of the library