SW 개발

usim 일련번호 (ICCID 란?)

. . . 2014. 3. 6. 13:43

usim 일련번호 (ICCID 란?)

그냥 유심의 일련번호를 ICCID 라고 부르는것 같다.

이때 특이한점은... 19 자리를 쓰는경우도 있고 20자리를 쓰는경우도 있다는것이다.

19자리를 쓸때는 강제로 끝에 "F" 를 붙여서 20자리를 표현하기도 한다.

실제로 우리가 사용에서 구할수있는 유심카드의 경우 끝에 F가 들어있는 경우가 많은데.. 바로 이 때문이다.


ICCID prefixes are also country specific and country-specific searching is a good place to start. ICCIDs are also often stored (as per the SIM standards) in hex in reverse nibbled decimal format like IMSIs See the notes above on IMSI encoding.ICCIDs are normally 19 or 20 digits long, so expect 10 pairs of hex digits, possibly using an “F” as padding if the ICCID was only 19 digits long (that’s how it’s done on the SIM and hence some manufacturers will follow this). All ICCIDs start “89″ followed by the dialling code for that country and then a two digit identifier for the issuing service provider (known as the Issuer Identifier Number). For example, all UK SIM cards all start “8944” and the Issuer Identifier Numbers “10”, “11”, “20”, “30” and “12” are used by the five networks Vodafone, O2, 3, T-Mobile and Orange respectively.So the following regular expression:
